Either by choice or by circumstances, facing a Holiday that is all about family can become problematic, if not scary.
Sure we are social creatures, some more than others and sharing joy and laughter it’s what we want. But when this doesn’t happen depression is at the corner.
So here is my present to you guys, lonely or not, for this Christmas.
Wire yourself to start a project
For sure there is something that you like doing and you’re very good at. Even if you feel down about the situation, start with little steps. Make sure that you’re doing it every day. After a while it will become a routine. You’ll be better at doing it every day. Who knows, you might even forget about loneliness.
2. Know when to take a break
Don’t stress yourself. Or overwork. You have the right to take a break. Like a walk in the park, or a coffee, watching a movie, reading a book, baking cookies… anything that you feel that goes with the definition.
3. Remember how wonderful you are
If you start to pity yourself, there’s no need. It’s time for you to see yourself and ask yourself who you are. A good exercise for you to balance negative thinking and see, looking behind you is a long way from the “past you”. To give you an example: you’re a lot wiser, because everything that is happening to us is “for us” to learn and evolve…. Definitely NOT “to us”.
4. Meditate
You only need 5 minutes. In the morning or before you go to bed. But daily. After a few weeks it will become a life changing routine. I gave up smoking like that. Can you imagine the wonders that a short meditation could do for you?
5. Enjoy little things
You have no idea how powerful this is when stress or fear (for whatever reason) surround you. Just looking at a photo, or eating a cookie, at the same time realizing that it makes you happy, it’s enough to put you in a better mood. Be intentional with that. And.. not too many cookies :)
6. Be happy, by yourself
You and only you are responsible for being happy. If only that and these days will be a blast. We are brought up to think that if we don’t have a significant one or people are not so excited about us, there is something wrong… with us. On the contrary. There is nothing wrong with you or the others. It’s just that the other had a bad day, or your way to be happy doesn't suit them. If it’is that don’t try to please. Just be happy the way you are. And others will want to be like you: happy
7. Stay optimistic
An optimistic state even if things don’t look good is actually a way to tell the universe: I am open! You should see how optimistic guys actually attract goodness in their life and they’re called “Lucky”. It's all about the law of attraction.
8. Appreciate what you have
You are alive, you have your health, you have a roof above your head, food in the fridge and the list can continue (I can even write a book with those lol). Appreciate and be grateful. Those are often taken for granted for those that have them, and so desired by those who don't.
9. Be easy on yourself
I often say that self criticism is not constructive. I don’t even believe in constructive criticism at all. We’re not perfect and nobody is. We’re UNIQUE. And that should be enough to think of when you start to beat yourself up for a mistake. Learn from it and move on.
10. Do your best
My best can’t never be your best. So even if your best is more achievable than mine it’s ok. My best suits me.
Feel free to add on my mindsets. There are beautiful hearts out there that really will appreciate it.
Merry Christmas!
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