I googled this title, after I browsed to a similar article this morning and what I found? Dozens, if not more, of articles on the subject. And what is even more puzzling is that most of them are supported by scientific research and explanations.
The way I see it actually, will make you feel better. We live in a world that is about being miserable. It’s not what we intend to be, it’s about upbringing. Yes! As we grew up we forgot how to be happy. We were taught that happiness is about money, about being perfect, about competition, about being accepted. And the list can go on.
If we want to.
Perfection? Doesn’t exist. We are beautiful precisely because we are imperfect. Each of us is UNIQUE. This is how we were as newborns. Somehow in the process of growing we lost that. We want to fit in, to be accepted and as a consequence, a tragic consequence, we think that those around us are responsible for our happiness.
Are they?
We are emotional beings and all those facts that I mentioned keep us in Hell. The Hell of our emotions, our minds. And we feel good because we are not alone. There are a lot of people feeling miserable like us. And if someday you find your optimism and your serenity, you will be pulled back because up there, being happy, you are not allowed. “We’re in this together”.
Sad songs are like a statement: It’s ok to stay in Hell, you are not alone.
The streets come alive with spontaneous celebrations, where strangers new year's eve 2024 become temporary friends, and the barriers that often divide individuals dissolve in the spirit of camaraderie.